True Cellular Detox™ in Shelburne

One aspect of my Wellness practice includes teaching people how to break the bad habits that keep recreating the stress on the body. One of the greatest challenges has become the increasing toxic burden we are now all exposed to. Our world has increased its chemical burden so dramatically in the last few decades, it is now at the highest levels known for exposure to hidden health-stealing substances in our food, personal care products, cleaning products, medicines, and even in the air we breathe and the water we drink in our homes, schools and workplaces, all of this affecting us right down to the cellular level.
Benefits of True Celullar Detox™ in Shelburne
Detoxing the body is no longer optional for those struggling with getting their health back, keeping their health or those who wish to have optimal levels of health for a lifetime. Simply eating more fruits and vegetables and exercising may not be enough if toxins like heavy metals, pesticides, molds and industrial chemicals are interfering with cell function, affecting hormones and your body’s ability to utilize nutrients resulting in a long list of health problems including autoimmune conditions, autism spectrum disorder, cancer, diabetes, thyroid problems, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, and many other inflammation driven conditions.
After spending years studying many other detox protocols, I have found this approach to be unique in that it is not only safe and gentle, but more effective because it reaches down to the CELLULAR level TRULY removing toxins that interfere with your body’s ability to heal and thrive.
Click on any of the links below to learn more with a short video introducing you to the TRUE CELLULAR DETOX™ program and why it is so unique, safe and effective.
- Weight Loss Resistance and Why it May Not Be Your Fault
- Chronic Pain and Why You Don’t Feel Well
- Anxiety and Sleepless Nights
- Why You’re Losing Energy and the Ability to Think As Well
Once you have viewed the video of your choice, enter your info in the link below for a FREE questionnaire to assess how toxins are affecting you and your life. We will send you an email with the Neurotoxicity Questionnaire, and show you how you can start moving forward with True Cellular Detox™ in Shelburne to get your life back!
2:00pm - 6:00pm
7:00am - 12:20pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
7:00am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Wellspring Chiropractic Lifestyle Center
4076 Shelburne Road #5
Shelburne, VT 05482
(802) 985-9850